The note about keeping a photo of our beloved when a child--LOVE that! And our own inner young one. And to let that compassion stretch to characters and readers... all so good, thank you!

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Thanks so much, Alison! Can't have too much compassion :)

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What a helpful writer's session, this post was to read. Thank you, Stephanie!

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As always, you deliver. Thanks for the generosity of your words, Stephanie.

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I always love your letters ... each one seems like something I need to hear and this one especially (as I start a big project) hit home. Loving your reader enough to let her do the math ... that roots for her becoming. Thank you!

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This was just wonderful! I always look forward to your newsletters. You give such sound advice to writers!

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"Write in a way that roots for your reader’s becoming." - writing this on an index card to tape above my desk. YES.

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